My Contribution

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Endless Kingdom
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My Contribution

Post by Zen » May 4th, 2016, 7:51 pm

So last post I made I basically was asking for permission to contribute. I figure I need to interact more otherwise you won't know I even exist. If you don't want my interaction, you are free to delete it.

My character on alpha is Zenyatta, level 110 night elf Demon Hunter.

My talents I found most beneifical so far have been:


At first I thought Demonic was more cosmetic til I realized it procced metamorphasis for 5 seconds after using eye beam. Every 45 seconds you get to be a demon for 5 seconds. If you take the talent for Soul Rending, the leech would provide an amazing self heal/preservation every 45 seconds on top of the 5 min cd for metamorphasis. I tried Fel Barrage but felt it was severely lackluster in comparison. In a 5 man heroic I was doing between 175k-350k on small pulls and big aoe I was seeing burst damage upwards of 700k-800k.

My big set back atm, is my lack of haste. Currently I'm sitting at 6% haste and most of my gear doesn't come with it so as I upgraded my gear, my other stats came up especially crit but haste went down and I feel a little sluggish compared to how I was playing earlier. I had a huge mastery buff and I ran so fast across the screen I was getting motion sick. Learned mastery is good... too much mastery is nauseating lol.

How is anyone else faring so far?
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Endless Kingdom
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Re: My Contribution

Post by Zen » May 8th, 2016, 8:03 pm

Changed some stuff around and found I did WAY better DPS. I did Maw of Something last night and I did some pretty amazing damage.

Here's the new build I liked.

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