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Shinjis temporary Vengance guide to not go splat. Somewhat updated for 110

Posted: August 11th, 2016, 9:06 am
by Shinjiekage
Shinjies unofficial Vengeance guide to not making healers hate you.


As a random note, there are a lot of guides out there that work just fine; this just has some of my personal touches on it. I may not have a lot of theory crafting credentials, but I dare anybody to make a better mac and cheese then me! (If you do make it PM me for my address please)

Stat priority:
Defensive: Try to have a balance of Haste/Mastery/Versatility with crit at the bottom end of the totem pole. If you need more physical damage reduction up the haste and add more mastery, if you need more magic damage reduction up the versatility.
Are you doing raids? Follow the stat above
Are you doing M+ push? Make mastery higher then vers/haste.
Are you trying to make your healers quit? Macro /Sit to /Cast Shear
Damage: Crit/Mastery/Vers/haste

Talents: This is my standard talent choice, there are a few deviations I suggest playing around though for fun. You really can't go wrong with the setup I'm listing below!
Level 99: Agonizing flames - Movement boost + high damage increase
Level 100: Fallout extra soul generation is a great thing.
Level 102: Felblade for ST + gap closer and pain generation, Flame Crash for Aoe - Please note Flame crash dot does not create a separate dot apart from your sigil of flame, instead it gets the pandemic treatment so it's duration is added to your preexisting dot from sigil of flames.
Level 104: Soul Rending - The leech is very powerful and turns meta into a great HPS boost, don't forget the Fueled By Pain Artifact Trait also randomly puts you into Meta form so you get to benefit from the leech there as well.
A lot of people talk about Feed The Demon, I'm not a fan of it personally and I'll list why in a footnote. Don't let that stop you from trying though, some of the best discoveries where made by people who wanted to try and make something work and ignored what the naysayers said! More power to you if you wanna test it out and make it work!
Level 106: Quickened sigils for the reduced cd and detonation timer. Sigil of hugs is cool, but you can only reach mobs like one cubicle away from you (which means it's range is super small in comparison to Gorefiends Grasp).
Level 108: Fel Devastation - Super strong on demand aoe dps and on demand healing, you can use this as a cd in dungeons and on raid bosses. Spirit bomb will technically do more dps and healing over the course of a fight, but it's trickle style healing. It's all about preference here pick what you like.
Level 110: Stick with Last resort, I know soul barrier looks cute on paper, but it also shields you like a piece of paper.

Priority: Tanks don’t really have a rotation.
1.) Spam Shear to generate Pain. (Spam this spell, no really spam it)
2.) Use Immolation Aura on CD (This is where a lot of your AOE damage can come from)
3.) Insert Soul Carver/Felblade here
4.) Soul Cleave if you are missing more than 75% Hp regardless of how much pain you have.
******* See my note about Soul Cleave*******
4.) Use Fiery Brand (shield wall for one mob) on whatever scares you or special abilities.
(Fiery brand only works on one mob so it’s not your traditional shield wall)
5.) Use Throw glaive to pick up mobs that are far away or infernal strike
6.) Infernal Strike on Single target, while you are in the air do sigil of flames on the boss/mob.
7.) Sigil of Misery if you get scared and need to run away or if you need to CC something/stop melee swings.
8.) Sigil of aoe blue silence thingy, if you need to silence a bunch of peeps.
9.) Sigil of chains – J/k it’s talented and has the range of my 2 year old nieces ability to throw a bowling ball.

Aoe Rotation:
1.) Precast sigil of flames
2.) Cast Emo aura
3.) Fel Devasation
3.) Infernal Strike X2
4.) Shear while hitting Soul Cleave when pain is available
5.) Soul train dance party on their corpses
6.) Move mobs out of DK Death and Decay.

How to live:
Demon Spikes is your active mitigation, you get 2 charges with a 14 second recharge before haste factors in. Pretty much pretend this is shield of the righteous + Elusive brew rolled into one (Flat DR + Avoidance) Hit this when you want to take less damage, good rule of thumb for charge based mitigation is use one when you engage, and keep one banked in case of scary emergencies, or if you know some big trash pulls or a heavy hitting boss is going to be slapping your face. Treat Demon Spikes like pain resource, you don’t want to cap – but you don’t want to be at 0 in case you need to use it.

Empower wards is your magic mitigation – 30% DR 20 second CD 6 second uptime. Use it often.
Fiery Brand – This is heavy DR + heavy hitter ability. Use mainly on bosses, or trash mobs with scary special abilities.

******* Soul Cleave******
Use this when you want to heal yourself regardless of whether or not you are at 30 or 60 pain, or if you have souls up. I want to clarify, I’m not saying spam this all the time – it’s just from my observation on beta, people refused to soul cleave unless they could guarantee a 60 pain soul cleave with 5 soul frags. I generally hit Soul Cleave to avoid myself from pain capping, or if I feel I need to heal. This is not a very powerful heal that will top you off, this is simply meant to buy your healer that extra time to get their 1-2 casts off to take care of you. Treat this like Death Slap (Weaker version of Death Strike)

Infernal Strike – If you get scared on trash, jump away and kite. More often than not, people will just think you are being cool and applaud you on your visually stunning performance.
Feed the Demon – I’ll discuss this and other topics later

Biggest mistakes you can make as a DH:
1.) Letting mobs hit you from behind because you aren’t used to the mobility of Infernal Strike/Glide.
2.) Using Demon Spikes when you don’t need to, and not using it when you do.
3.) Naming your toon some variety of XXIllidanXX.
4.) Waiting to use soul cleave until you have 60 pain + soul frags
5.) Pulling way more than you can handle because you feel pressured to go fast.
6.) Forgetting that you have Shadowmeld when you have people that try to pull for you.
7.) Forgetting to have fun.

Here is my stream in case you want to watch me for unknown reason.

Feel free to PM me in game if you have questions, comments, or recipes.
Or you can add my btag Shinjikage#1165 for any Demon Hunter or general tanking questions.

Re: Shinjis temporary Vengance guide to not go splat.

Posted: August 17th, 2016, 6:10 am
by Mmrum
Biggest mistake #6 is Excellent!!! #3 is a close second lol. Good guide, Thank you. My wife makes a great mac n cheese, I don't know how well it ships though.

Re: Shinjis temporary Vengance guide to not go splat.

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 7:28 am
by Hellens
Thanks for this, as it is nice to know what you've experienced vs. what the Icy Veins rotation says to do (specifically about the Soul Cleave part).

Re: Shinjis temporary Vengance guide to not go splat.

Posted: September 7th, 2016, 7:45 am
by Shinjiekage
Thank you :) I'll be updating this over the next few days for 110 gameplay!

Re: Shinjis temporary Vengance guide to not go splat.

Posted: September 13th, 2016, 12:22 pm
by Madmodder
Any updates now that we're a week from raids?