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Example: Tengen - Warrior - Protection

Posted: February 13th, 2016, 11:42 am
by Tengen
1) Please provide the following:
A. Battletag:Tengen#1626
B. Name of character: Tengen
C. Current equiped ilevel: 939
D. Main spec artifact traits: 66
D. Alt spec artifact traits: 54
E. Armory link: ... re/Tengen/
F. Combat logs: ... 18/latest/

How did you learn about Eternal Kingdom?
World of Warcraft forums

List all relevant guilds you have been a part of and why you no longer raid with them:
Infamous - Unable to field enough raiders for mythic so we moved as a guild and joined Eternal Kingdom to become the Vanguard team.

List your raiding history/progression by tier:


  • Emerald Nightmare: 7/7M
    Trial of Valor: 3/3M
    Nighthold: 10/10M
    Tomb of Sargeras: 6/9M

What do you feel you would bring to our raid group that would set you apart from other raiders:
I am a very attentive raider, often watching the raid and calling out mechanics. While this does at times affect my performance it's something I've been working on and strive to perform at a high level while watching and calling the raid.

Do you have any real-life situations or vacations that may affect your raiding availability? If so, please give a brief explanation:
I work late nights from home, and have no vacations planned that will interfere with my raiding schedule.

Do you have a headset with a working mic:

Have you read and agree to abide by our guild sfw policies found here: