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Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 12th, 2016, 8:57 am
by Skozen
When we got our first handful of Felsteel Annihilators we did a little mini train (mounted up /following the person ahead of you in a train) of them in Stormshield and it was pretty fun with 5. Got to feel like mythic raiders showing off. I got to wondering...

In this guild we have a ridiculous amount of mythic raiders. Maybe the most in the world in one guild? If not, we're up there among the biggest. By the end of WoD we could field the most Felsteel Annihilators out of nearly anyone (80+ in the guild, probably.) An Eternal Kingdom Felsteel Annihilator train with a majority of the members showing would be incredibly impressive, ridiculous, and fun way to close out the xpac. We could take lots of pictures and have a good time as a guild while also being a good recruitment advertisement.

I'm pretty sure we have an event person who would be all about organizing such a thing, should there be interest. When I've mentioned it to Vanguard there has been interest, so I'd like to put this idea out there.

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 12th, 2016, 11:34 am
by Sin
I do like the idea of this! I'll put it into the list for an event!

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 12th, 2016, 12:37 pm
by Gerheardt
as long as the rest of us non felsteel riders know to avoid stormshield on the day of this event :P lol,everytime i see someone ride one i feel jealous,mostly because i know i more then likely will never get one,the odds of it dropping in legion and beyond obviously are slim. i mean this event sounds fun,but i will be jealous of all the annilators in one area haha

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 12th, 2016, 1:18 pm
by helious
I'm in.

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 12th, 2016, 1:23 pm
by Zate
Yah Sin put it on the community week calendar. By then we should have 20 more I think we will end up having close to 100 people in guild with the mount if we are able to get them all on at one time that will be another question.

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 13th, 2016, 3:13 am
by Balto
I will try to get all of champion on for it.

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 13th, 2016, 7:26 am
by Galenos
Maybe guildies without it could attend and hop on their moose as a show of guild strength, in a line side-by-side.

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 13th, 2016, 8:31 pm
by Zate
Galenos wrote:Maybe guildies without it could attend and hop on their moose as a show of guild strength, in a line side-by-side.
That sounds good this way I can participate :)

Where should we make the train were we don't get trolled? Deadwind Pass maybe?

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 13th, 2016, 8:58 pm
by Majestas
I think the mount off of Mythic Archy, Heroic Archy, or even Mythic Blackhand could be good mounts to use.

Re: Felsteel Annihilator Train to Celebrate End of HFC

Posted: July 14th, 2016, 7:12 am
by Gerheardt
im game with using the moose,we could almost possibly do 3 lines if we wanted, one for the felsteel,one for the moose and another for the blackhand mount if people wanted to ride the cleefhoof. we'd have a fairly big line of the moose though :),depending on who all wanted to participate in the train of course