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Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 21st, 2016, 8:22 am
by Yanberry
Hey all, the Warlord of Draenor title is going to get really difficult to get in Legion, so I figured we should start up a group to get everyone their title and achievements before then!

There is a method for this that is quick and requires little actual pvp combat, we can just group up and farm dummy characters from the races required.

What the group needs:
  • Horde healers (to rez the dummy); must be high enough level to get to a secluded area to do the farming
  • An unknown amount of volunteers to be horde dummy characters (amount depends on whether or not the dummies themselves want the title as well); Priority for the rarest races. The characters MUST be level 100. For the rarest races such as pandaren, having more than one of them would not hurt at all!
  • at least one group of 5 to maximize the quest credit (there can be more than one group but they have to be separate, I don't think raid groups work for for these quests). The group should all be on the same nemesis quest and 0/500 so that everyone finishes at the same time, if you complete early you will not give credit for the others

So the way it goes is:
Since the 5 people in the group are in the same nemesis quest, 1 kill will award 5 kill credit to everyone in the group, so the group will go to a spot that is more secluded, so as to avoid interference from random people, and farm the dummy character, and the horde healer will constantly resurrect them to complete everyone's quest.

I hope you guys are interested in this! By doing this method we could get everyone the title, or at the very least the rarest races in an evening or so

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 21st, 2016, 8:40 am
by Tashafied

I'm interested in taking part, but I don't have any Horde dummy characters. Character name is Undyne.

Anyway, I need Undead, Orcs, Trolls and Pandas.

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 22nd, 2016, 6:09 am
by donutdan
I'm interested in finishing this. The only one I've completed was the Blood Elf one. I have a level 100 Blood Elf paladin if needed.

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 23rd, 2016, 8:57 pm
by Thidus
i too would be interested with this, unfortunately i dont have any horde max level :S, i only need pandas and goblins but would be willing to stay in a group longer to speed up the process if that helps

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 24th, 2016, 1:50 am
by Alcar
I too would be willing to hop into this as i can, I do have a lvl 100 Horde orc warrior, but it's on the Thrall server unfortunately which is likely not helpful for romantic getaways to secluded spots on Proudmoore but he does exist if there is a way to make that work.

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 25th, 2016, 7:36 pm
by Yanberry
Alcar wrote:I too would be willing to hop into this as i can, I do have a lvl 100 Horde orc warrior, but it's on the Thrall server unfortunately which is likely not helpful for romantic getaways to secluded spots on Proudmoore but he does exist if there is a way to make that work.
Maybe I will have to level a horde pandaren on Proudmoore, hehe

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 25th, 2016, 10:55 pm
by NoctusMirus
what time? i can help. not sure about joining in on noc as i dont really pvp. but i have an l100 tauren shaman that can help if the time works for me

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 26th, 2016, 12:20 am
by Yanberry
I don't know if and when we will do it, I made this thread to see if we would get enough people to do it, and if so, then we discuss a time that is good for everybody

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 8:15 am
by ilsinil
If the timing works out, I can be available for rezzing horde characters and/or getting repeatedly killed (tauren).

Re: Warlord of Draenor title group

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 1:16 pm
by Vagabond
ilsinil wrote:If the timing works out, I can be available for rezzing horde characters and/or getting repeatedly killed (tauren).

Also, I am wondering about the Fight, Killl, Salute achieve portion of this title. I haven't finished that on a toon because I don't do a lot of pvp and quickly became outgeared, and therefore very dead, very quickly. Do any of you know if you can all queue at the same time and help each other get that part done?