Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Various Kill Shots for our Teams

Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Post by Balto » October 11th, 2016, 1:58 am


We did it team. This is the hardest we pushed, we've busted our butts, put in a lot of hard work and it has paid off. I cannot express how proud I am of this roster and the players on it.

I am looking forward to proving we are a force in the wow competitive raid scene the rest of this expansion. This is just the start.

We want to extend a big thanks to everyone for the donations we've received, helping us with herbs for potions and flasks as well as runes. It is tremendously appreciated.

I want to give special thanks to Timmeh. You went above and beyond helping us a great deal with the constant supply of herbs. Thank you very much. Once we start feeling comfortable we can 19 man the place, we will take you on either an alt or main for a clear through mythic.

Shout outs to Ferocii and Gadin for their support during the initial launch weeks, for filling out our mythic runs to ensure we all could gear. Also for ferocii for stepping in and being a guest healer on Mythic Cenarius and doing a boss job!
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Re: Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Post by Zate » October 11th, 2016, 2:33 am

Hey Balto you want to do a strike through line on that top 20 US goal for us on the website :)
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Re: Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Post by Vynqt » October 11th, 2016, 4:10 am

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Re: Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Post by Rentonie » October 11th, 2016, 8:36 am

Congrats guys!!! I should have my herb up soon so if you still need consumables for NH I can send some your way as well.
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Re: Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Post by Whims » October 11th, 2016, 11:12 am

Congrats on Xavius guys.
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Re: Champion Mythic EM Clear 7/7 US 17th

Post by Ilaria » October 12th, 2016, 1:43 pm

congrats guys! The hard work has paid off!

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