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Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 10:18 pm
by Zate
I. Introduction/Announcements

Shout outs
Announcements and reminders

II. Reports

Guild Status (Zate)
Recruitment (Steine)
Guild sponsorship program (Alisondra)
Media (Zate/Zeboot/Shinji)
Guild events (Leayha)

III. Discussion (feel free to ask questions/give feedback while these items are presented)

1) Guild finances - Goal of 5 Mil in guild bank by end of tier guild will be doing 2 Sale runs During Militia raid times. We will be doing sign ups for this run and asking for help.
2) Team swap info updated
3) Guild membership policy... which guild for which type of member.
4) Website update incoming - Anyone interested in helping can talk to Sery/Zeboot
5) Nobel citizens need to be moving to EnK. At some future point we will require all citizen members to be in EnK.
6) New normal team. House will be running the Militia overflow team which will raid normal Sunday 6-9 as an entry point for people not able to make Militia.
7) Guild Calendar and upcoming guild events

Re: Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 1st, 2017, 11:33 pm
by Zate
In relationship to #3 Guild membership policy in the discussion area...

This is an update to help us streamline how our community works. This will take time to implement but at time goes on we will be more aggressive about enforcing the below policies. Leadership is still discussion how we want to move forward on the transition.

EK - Raiding members. Each team gets 40 tags. This will be periodically checked and if a team goes over this number of tags the members offline the longest will be removed until the team is back down to 40.

Teams can request more tags if needed but generally speaking each heroic/mythic team will have a 40 tag limit.

Guild administrators will also be in EK

EnK - Non raiding members. Raid teams can be here but they will still have a 40 tag cap (though it will likely not be as closely enforced). This guild is primarily for non raiding members. When a person retires from a team etc.. they will need to move to EnK.

All guild administrators RE’s and AB’s should have alts in this guild to help manage EnK when needed.

After 1 year of inactivity you may be removed from this guild (this is subject to change)

AK1/AK2 - Alts. There is no designation in terms of which alt guild you should put your alt into. Alts are subject to removal after a year of inactivity if either alt guild needs room. Templar should try to have an alt in both guilds if possible to help manage both of these guilds when needed.

Re: Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 2nd, 2017, 6:29 am
by Majestas
Was there a recording of this meeting?

Re: Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 2nd, 2017, 9:16 am
by Zate
Majestas wrote:Was there a recording of this meeting?

There will be yes. Meeting is not until this Friday though.

Re: Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 2nd, 2017, 2:10 pm
by Majestas
Sorry, I was thinking it was the meeting for the leads I was marking on.

Re: Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 5th, 2017, 10:21 pm
by Inri
Won't be at tonight's meeting, not feeling well. My ambassador Leayha/Reayha should have notes for briefing. If anyone needs me/has any questions about events coming up please ping me in Discord.

Re: Friday May 5th All Guild Meeting @10:00 PM (agenda)

Posted: May 6th, 2017, 8:44 pm
by Zate