Xeffee - Druid - Zeal

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Xeffee - Druid - Zeal

Post by Xeffee » November 20th, 2023, 2:40 pm

Team App:
Name of character:
Current Server:
Discord Tag (including the number, i.e.: Pizza#1234):
Main Spec:
Off Spec:

Have you read, and do you agree to abide by the guild’s code of conduct as stated here?
I do I do
How did you learn about Eternal Kingdom?
Was contacted by Chasing Pixels through a WoW recruitment discord.
Are you currently or have you ever been a trial or member of any Eternal Kingdom raiding team? If so, when and who?
No, I have not.
Please list your raiding history/progression by tier. Note any leadership positions you've held.
A lot of AotC is have to log in to check them. 5/9 mythic nighthold 3/9 abberus. Didnt play in MoP or Shadowlands at all and only cleared the first raid in BFA until leaving for the rest of BFA. So thats why there is a gap of nothing there.
Previous guild(s) and reason for leaving.
Death by Distraction was my previous guild I went 3/9 in mythic last season. After everyone took the mid season break and we started back up for s3 everything was chaos and multiple council members were bringing who ever they wanted to raid and promising people raid team slots without consulting the raid lead. I understand we want to play with our friends but we cant have 30 people promised spots on the raid team so among the chaos I bowed out to avoid drama.
Do you have a viable raid-ready offspec? Please tell us your experience with it and its current item level.
Ish. Resto and balance on druid require nearly the same stats so it would just be a matter of trinkets if resto is needed
Do you have any viable raid-ready alts? If so, please list and give armory link (include alt codes for name).
My monk is 444 and would be norm ready as is and could get heroic ready fairly quick. It also has a 438 MW set.
Have you been a part of an EK raid team in the past? If yes, which team?
I have not.
Please provide a link to your Logs. ---- Are you main swapping? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant logs of your old main.

that is my boomie i switched at the end of last season.


that is my monk I did mythic prog on
Do you have a PC that can handle high density raid content? What is your internet stability like?
Yes. PC rarely dips under 120 fps in raids. No real internet issues other than not being on fiber yet but traditional cable internet is more than enough for wow.
Please add a hyperlink of your UI
Is there anything else you want us to know? Now is your chance to personalize your app, tell us something unique about yourself, or make us laugh.
Uhhh ive derped around in wow since vanilla. Just here on the tactical kaboom chicken nuke to lay waste to some bosses

Armory Link

Warcraft Logs
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Re: Xeffee - Druid - Zeal

Post by Mango » November 20th, 2023, 2:52 pm

Thank you for your interest in the Eternal Kingdom Community! We have received your application and are looking it over. Someone will be reaching out to you shortly. In the meantime, we encourage you to attend any of our open runs to give you an opportunity to check out our community of gamers. More information about these runs can be found here.
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

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Bnet: Mangroas#1124
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Re: Xeffee - Druid - Zeal

Post by Mango » November 20th, 2023, 5:31 pm

Welcome to Eternal Kingdom and Team Zeal!
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
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