Zacodrac - Evoker - Zeal

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Zacodrac - Evoker - Zeal

Post by zacozaco » November 13th, 2023, 3:26 pm

Team App:
Name of character:
Current Server:
Discord Tag (including the number, i.e.: Pizza#1234):
Main Spec:
Off Spec:
Have you read, and do you agree to abide by the guild’s code of conduct as stated here?
Yes. Whoever maintained that mage did an awesome job by the way, quite a lot of content.
How did you learn about Eternal Kingdom?
I posted a looking for CE raid message in the recruitment Discord. And Chasing Pixels contacted me. I believe I have seen folks from your guild in town before.
Are you currently or have you ever been a trial or member of any Eternal Kingdom raiding team? If so, when and who?
No, not now not before. I think I am making this application to be a trial.
Please list your raiding history/progression by tier. Note any leadership positions you've held.
GM and RL Fireland Heroic 6/7, and Dragon Soul Heroic 5/8H.
Legion Emerald Nightmare and Trial of Valor. Sorry I forgot the progress.
Shadowlands Warlock (all three specs): CN 8/10M, SoD 9/10M, and SotFO 5/11M
Shadowlands Druid alt (resto/gudian): SoD 7/10M
Previous guild(s) and reason for leaving.
The most recent guild I actually played for a while is Umbral Ultimatum (H) Area 52. We were a brand new team formed right when shadowlands started. We have been raiding two nights per week pushing CE. I actually loved that team. Everyone was polite and hard working. In the middle of mythic Artificer progression, some members decided to leave to game as a protest because of the Blizzard sexual scandal at that moment. We had roster issues then our RL's grandparent passed away and their family decided to move back to New York. So the guild pretty much fell apart from there. I passed a trial and joined a guild team with 9/11M in Illidan afterwards pushing mythic Rygelon. After two weeks I had a work schedule change, so I stopped raiding till now.
Do you have a viable raid-ready offspec? Please tell us your experience with it and its current item level.
Augmentation Evoker, ilvl 443. No raiding experience.
Only played a few mythic plus here and there with 2856 rating Season 2.
Do you have any viable raid-ready alts? If so, please list and give armory link (include alt codes for name).
No. I will play a guardian druid as an alt but he is only level 66 now.
Have you been a part of an EK raid team in the past? If yes, which team?
Please provide a link to your Logs. ---- Are you main swapping? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant logs of your old main.
I don't have any current logs.
I tried to look for my old logs for the warlock and I don't see them neither. I only see some random ones that I did with the guild I played for 2 weeks. Maybe our log uploader deleted already. I don't know.
This is an old link to our old guild. Hopefully this can help. ... 75?zone=26.

Druid Alt log: ... fficulty=5

Main swapping = yes. Warlock to Aug Evoker
Do you have a PC that can handle high density raid content? What is your internet stability like?
Yes and yes.
Please add a hyperlink of your UI

Is there anything else you want us to know? Now is your chance to personalize your app, tell us something unique about yourself, or make us laugh.
I have been playing WoW on and off since Cataclysm. I like raiding and oddly enough I like wipes too. I like challenge contents while relatively under geared. I maxed 12 characters every class in shadowlands and completed all 36 specs mage tower challenge before the nerf. So I would say I have knowledge about all specs. I was a seller selling mythic+ and mage tower runs in Huokan community back then. I know this could be controversial but this is something I did.

For raiding, I believe stable attendance and steady performance are the most important factors. When I really decided to raid I usually keep at least 95% attendance.

I am quite calm when playing, I don't usually get rage or annoyed in raiding. like I said, I don't mind wipes at all as long as the team is learning.

Armory Link

Warcraft Logs
Last edited by Mango on November 13th, 2023, 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Gnome deleted gibberish in UI link breaking application formatting.
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Re: Zacodrac - Evoker - Zeal

Post by Mango » November 13th, 2023, 3:30 pm

Thank you for your interest in the Eternal Kingdom Community! We have received your application and are looking it over. Someone will be reaching out to you shortly. In the meantime, we encourage you to attend any of our open runs to give you an opportunity to check out our community of gamers. More information about these runs can be found here.
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

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Re: Zacodrac - Evoker - Zeal

Post by Mango » November 14th, 2023, 2:13 am

Welcome to Eternal Kingdom and Team Zeal!
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
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