Team App:
Name of character:
Current Server:
Discord Tag (including the number, i.e.: Pizza#1234):
Main Spec:
Off Spec:
Have you read, and do you agree to abide by the guild’s code of conduct as stated here?
How did you learn about Eternal Kingdom?
I am a member
Are you currently or have you ever been a trial or member of any Eternal Kingdom raiding team? If so, when and who?
Yes, right now on Legacy
Please list your raiding history/progression by tier. Note any leadership positions you've held.
Mythic raiding every since it was implemented into the game (and full heroics prior to that). Have not gotten CE, typically get 3/4 of the way through each raid during it's season
Previous guild(s) and reason for leaving.
Ouroboros - Most of the guild stopped raiding/playing live and went to boomer WoW
Do you have a viable raid-ready offspec? Please tell us your experience with it and its current item level.
Yes, Devastation. Was actively playing it for Broodtwister in current tier
Do you have any viable raid-ready alts? If so, please list and give armory link (include alt codes for name).
Not for Mythic
Have you been a part of an EK raid team in the past? If yes, which team?
Currently in Legacy
Was in Quantum before that, before it dissolved
Please provide a link to your Logs. ---- Are you main swapping? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant logs of your old main. ... /grizzormi
Do you have a PC that can handle high density raid content? What is your internet stability like?
Gigabit fiber internet, so very stable, and high end PC
What are the things that would set you up for success for difficult progression?
Watching vids ahead of time, reading up on fight both as a whole and specific tricks for your class, having any needed addons/weakauras, etc
Please describe your ideal raiding environment and/or raiding red flags / deal breakers.
People working together towards the common goal of progression and having some laughs in between
In your opinion, what is the most valuable asset your class brings to this raid tier.
The short CD knockback...since it's almost a requirement for Broodtwister
(Optional) Eternal Kingdom and Team Zeal are committed to diversity and inclusion. If you are comfortable please share your pronouns.
Is there anything else you want us to know? Now is your chance to personalize your app, tell us something unique about yourself, or make us laugh.
I work in game dev, and did a stint in the Blizzard mines. Wasn't on WoW, but on Hearthstone
Armory Link
Warcraft Logs
Grizzormi - Evoker - Zeal
- Posts: 3
- Joined: October 12th, 2022, 3:44 pm
- Mango
- Raid Recruitment Coordinator
- Posts: 13453
- Joined: October 15th, 2017, 10:00 pm
- Location: Boston, MA
- BattleTag: Mangroas#1124
- Discord: mangothemagnificent
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Re: Grizzormi - Evoker - Zeal
Post by Mango » December 11th, 2024, 1:24 pm
Hello, Grizzormi! We have received your application and are looking it over. Someone will be reaching out to you shortly.
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore
Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
- Mango
- Raid Recruitment Coordinator
- Posts: 13453
- Joined: October 15th, 2017, 10:00 pm
- Location: Boston, MA
- BattleTag: Mangroas#1124
- Discord: mangothemagnificent
- Contact:
Re: Grizzormi - Evoker - Zeal
Post by Mango » December 12th, 2024, 4:15 am
Welcome to Team Zeal!
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore
Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
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