Schpoof - Paladin - Zeal

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Schpoof - Paladin - Zeal

Post by Schpoof » October 21st, 2024, 6:45 pm

Team App:
Name of character:
Current Server:
Discord Tag (including the number, i.e.: Pizza#1234):
Main Spec:
Off Spec:
Have you read, and do you agree to abide by the guild’s code of conduct as stated here?
How did you learn about Eternal Kingdom?
I am a social member right now, but originally through Hinkelberg
Are you currently or have you ever been a trial or member of any Eternal Kingdom raiding team? If so, when and who?
Please list your raiding history/progression by tier. Note any leadership positions you've held.
I have raiding all through vanilla, some of TBC, all of wrath, all of cata, most of WoD, most of Legion, first season of Dragonflight.

In all games when raiding I have always been a part of heroic/ Mythic teams when I have raided.
Previous guild(s) and reason for leaving.
Afro Ninjas - Took a break from wow, when I came back I decided to join my friends guild instead.

Do you have a viable raid-ready offspec? Please tell us your experience with it and its current item level.
My ret set is at 613 and I am good at playing ret.
Do you have any viable raid-ready alts? If so, please list and give armory link (include alt codes for name).
Yes, I have a warlock at 617 ilevel. ... /twowolves

I am in the process of gearing up an unholy DK because I heard you guys needed one. It is only at 608 right now. ... bigschpoof
Have you been a part of an EK raid team in the past? If yes, which team?
Please provide a link to your Logs. ---- Are you main swapping? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant logs of your old main. ... sh/schpoof
Do you have a PC that can handle high density raid content? What is your internet stability like?
Yes, and I have fibre.
What are the things that would set you up for success for difficult progression?
I am a very positive person, and as long as I am raiding with a good group of people. Its all about having fun with friends and downing bosses. Which makes progression a lot more enjoyable. Gotta have a solid positive mindset to see your character kissing the ground 50-100 times a night haha.
Please describe your ideal raiding environment and/or raiding red flags / deal breakers.
Down talking other players. Negative attitudes, toxic raid environments. Elitisms, healthy competition is awesome, but toxic elitism is a deal breaker for me. I have been in top guilds getting server firsts raiding 7 days a week, and dealt with some extreme elitist's in my past, and it isn't fun for anyone.
In your opinion, what is the most valuable asset your class brings to this raid tier.
Holy paladin brings the light and good vibes. It is an amazing healer for through put and brings solid cooldowns.
Is there anything else you want us to know? Now is your chance to personalize your app, tell us something unique about yourself, or make us laugh.
I'm just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. I took the midnight train going anywhereeeeee.

Armory Link

Warcraft Logs
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Re: Schpoof - Paladin - Zeal

Post by Mango » October 22nd, 2024, 3:33 am

Hello, Schpoof! We have received your application and are looking it over. Someone will be reaching out to you shortly.
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

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Re: Schpoof - Paladin - Zeal

Post by Mango » October 23rd, 2024, 2:50 pm

Welcome to Eternal Kingdom and Team Zeal!
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

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