Ducklord - Paladin - Multiple

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Ducklord - Paladin - Multiple

Post by Ducklord » October 16th, 2024, 6:36 pm

Team App:
Name of character:
Current Server:
Discord Tag (including the number, i.e.: Pizza#1234):
Main Spec:
Off Spec:
Have you read, and do you agree to abide by the guild’s code of conduct as stated here?
Yes, I am committed to respect, progression, and collaboration.
How did you learn about Eternal Kingdom?
I have a few friends on the Zeal team - Apartabyss reccomended I apply.
Are you currently or have you ever been a trial or member of any Eternal Kingdom raiding team? If so, when and who?
Are you interested in specific teams within the Eternal Kingdom Community? If so, please list them here.
Zeal, Empire, Draconic
What is your raiding experience? Do you have any leadership experience?
I have gotten AOTC every tier for the past several, when not on break. Last Expansion, I killed several mythic bosses in Aberus, and then cleared up to Fyrakk on mythic in Amirdrassil. We ran out of time before CE.

Are you main swapping? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant logs of your old main.
Not exactly. I started the tier as mage, but decided I didn't enjoy it as much as my pally.

Logs for mage below:

Do you have a viable raid-ready offspec? Please tell us your experience with it and its current item level.
I could play prot, but do not have it's BIS gear. Haven't played holy this tier, but do enjoy healing sometimes.
If your current character isn't the one that you have your most recent progression, please provide a link to the logs of your most recent progression.
No other character. Main logs at ... s/ducklord

Do you have any viable raid-ready alts? If so, please list and give armory link (include alt codes for name).
I have a mage at 615 ivl, and a max level Warlock (destro) and Shaman (resto/enh) that would need a bit of gear to be raid ready. ... hj/celaris ... n/rakdaddy ... /duckstorm
What do you feel is your biggest weakness as a raider? What steps are you taking now to address it?
My biggest weakness is alts. I often like to play a few different characters, and flex around a bit. I have taken to only playing the character I am 'maining' when I am actively on a raid team, at least to the point where it is geared and in BIS.
What do you feel is your biggest strength as a raider? Why do you value this strength?
My biggest strength as a raider is mechanics. I am more than willing to sacrifice my own parse/death to ensure that a mechanic is done, if I am able. I think too many people are willing to ignore mechanics to parse well, and for me, killing bosses is more important than my numbers.
Is there anything else you want us to know? Now is your chance to personalize your app, tell us something unique about yourself, or make us laugh.
I can lick my elbow. I have three cats and a pitbull that are dear to me, and I enjoy playing the game with other people far more than I like playing alone. I like to push m+ (but hate pugging) and continuing to be decent at the game, despite being old and having a life outside of WoW.

Armory Link

Warcraft Logs
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Re: Ducklord - Paladin - Multiple

Post by Mango » October 16th, 2024, 7:00 pm

Thank you for your interest in the Eternal Kingdom Community! We have received your application and are looking it over. Someone will be reaching out to you shortly. In the meantime, we encourage you to attend any of our open runs to give you an opportunity to check out our community of gamers. More information about these runs can be found here.
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

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Re: Ducklord - Paladin - Multiple

Post by Mango » October 21st, 2024, 3:25 pm

Welcome to Eternal Kingdom and Team Zeal!
Mangroas - Recruitment Team - Eternal Kingdom of Proudmoore

Discord: mangothemagnificent
Bnet: Mangroas#1124
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