
[H] Harbinger

Team Lead – Cosmoso
Ambassador- Ere

Quick Information

  • Casual Normal/Heroic Progression- 3hrs/week
  • Tuesday 6pm-9pm PST
  • Goal: Normal/Heroic Progression
  • Loot: Raid Roll

Required Addons:

  • XFaction
  • DBM

Expectations: 85% attendance or better. As long as leadership knows the situation, we are willing to work with you should attendance be a problem, but raiders who consistently show up will be given a raid spot over those who do not show up consistently. We ask for a willingness to work outside of raid in order to make use of short raid time and that you are fully enchanted, gemmed and stocked with all necessary consumables. You will also need a basic understanding of new boss mechanics, moderate avoidable damage taken, decent mechanic execution, and the ability learn from your mistakes. Lastly, we are ask that you are able to take constructive criticism and have a good attitude and a team first mind set.

This team is laid back and casual while still maintaining dedicated progression, and is a good environment for those looking for something with a less hard-core environment while still seeing progression.

We are always open to raider’s opinion but it needs to be done after raid or in a whisper to leadership if during a raid. Team leadership will come with a strategy and goals for the night. We will always place the goals and needs of the team first.

A Word From Leadership

This team was founded with the more time-pressed raider in mind, and as such our focus is to progress as much as possible during the short raid time. I don’t expect you to be a top tier progression raider, but I do expect you to learn from your mistakes and be able to take constructive criticism, research your class, and watch videos on the bosses.

On this team we have a zero tolerance for drama. In all aspects, our team seeks to treat all raiders as fairly as possible. If you ever encounter a case where you think this is not happening then you need to inform leadership ASAP.

If you are honest with me and give your best efforts to benefit the team and the guild, you will likely enjoy yourself here in the Eternal Kingdom Community and the Harbinger Team.

We look forward to meeting all of you and slaying some dragons (or whatever the current boss is) together.