Quick Information
- Heroic Progression- 3hrs/week
- Saturday 6:30pm-9:30pm PST
- Goal: AoTC, Raid Meta-Achievement and if time a dip into Mythic
- Loot: Group Loot
- Team Lead: Fallenangle
- Co-lead: Decobus
Who we are
We’re an AoTC Team that focuses on having fun while progressing toward our goal. We are a group focused on getting better through feedback, both formal and informal, strategy review, and creating an environment of enjoyment that people want to be a part of each tier.
Required Addons
- xFaction
- BigWigs/DBM
- Weak Auras 2
- Angry Assignments
- A commitment to attend 80% of raid nights. A notice to a member of leadership if you cannot make it.
- Prepared and ready to enter the raid at 6:30pm PST sharp, invites start at 6:15pm
- A positive attitude that demonstrates patience and determination
- A willingness to help one another improve as players to enjoy the raids
- At least one M+ dungeon per week that has a vault reward equal to the content we are clearing
- Feedback via chat thread in the team discord
A word from the leadership
We’re looking to provide a flexible and supportive environment for any raider to enjoy working through the content with friends.